
Explore my skills in Web Development. As well as the projects that I've developed and was involved or participated in previously and currently.

Front-End Development
lines of HTML codes
lines of HTML codes


Experience creating responsive and accessible designs using languages ​​such as HTML and CSS.

Frameworks and Libraries using JavaScript with technologies such as React and Angular, also Design tools such as Figma and Adobe.

black and silver laptop computer on table
black and silver laptop computer on table
Back-End Development / Programming Languages ​​and Databases

My skills in the Back-End sector include knowledge in languages ​​such as PHP, Python, C#, as well as languages ​​such as Java and Visual Basic.

Also the management of Databases in SQL Server and MySQL

My Experience

January 2021 - Present

January - May 2024

Currently in Development

In my career I have acquired skills in all areas of web development, from programming to Front-End and Back-End formation.
My portfolio reflects my experience in different project phases.

It's me, Hi 👋

Let me introduce myself, I am currently a student of Computer Systems Engineering, I am very passionate about everything that is related to web development.

I consider myself a very creative, optimistic and innovative person.

My name is Eduardo Salas Jaramillo
Hobbies & Skills

I really enjoy listening to music, watching movies, reading books, designing web pages, learning new languages ​​and developing and creating relationships with the people around me.